Tuesday, June 3, 2008

May Newsletter 2008

Thom Beech writes:
Hey Everybody!!! I hope you all are doing well! Finally summer's here! It feels like it's been winter FOREVER. Anyway, I've got a little news to share with you all. I got engaged a while ago and Me and Darcy are getting married on July 30th in the Bountiful Temple. We'd like to send you all an invitaion but I don't have a lot of your addresses. If you'd like to you can email your address to croix22@gmail.com Thanks everybody!!!
Thom Beech

Alisa (DeYoung) Crowell says:
Congrats Thom! Welcome home Kels!! Corey and I are here in NH enjoying the weatha' galore! It is so beautiful and green. The nights are cool and the days are perfect. There is one spray I will have to get to survive--DEET. There are tons of bugs everywhere! I guess it comes with the foliage--so I can't complain. We can see Mt. Manadnock from here and are planning to hike it within a week or so. Antiquing here is a HUGE deal. I've never seen so many cool old things in my life! There are so many old attics to go around out East for sure. Corey and I'd better start saving our pennies and venture out to an antique store here pretty soon. Take care you all and enjoy the first month here of summah!


BHS Newsletter 2002 said...

Amanda Wade, what is your email so I can add you to the list?

Amanda said...

I share one with my husband. It is: mattdustin@hotmail.com Thanks for adding me to the list!