Monday, November 17, 2008

Fall Newsletter 2008

Mark & Natalie (Pugmire) Hincks says:

There are a few new things coming are way. Mark is graduating in December and is so excited for that. He's probably going to take a sales job in Salt Lake. Gracie will be 6 months in December and gets cuter everyday. We are trying to sell our townhouse, so we can move a little closer to family and to Mark's soon to be job. I don't want to bore you with all of the details, so that's about it. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.


Natalie (Pugmire) Hincks

Natalie (Tippets) Mudrow writes:
hey there everyone! things are going well here in salt lake. i'm finishing my last semester in the classroom and will have my last internship at the VA hospital in the spring. i'll finally graduate in may with my master's degree in occupational therapy. hopefully after that we'll buy a house and start a family. other than that, shane and i are trying to find some time to spend together and just enjoy being married. i hope that everyone is doing well!

Natalie (tippets) mudrow

Ali Uscilka says:

Hi everybody! Congratulations to all who are having babies, getting married, moving to exciting places, finishing school, etc. Things here in San Francisco are great--it's 80 degrees and sunny today. I'm almost finished with my first semester of graduate school at San Francisco State University where I'm working on a masters degree in public health. I'm also teaching dance classes to kids age 2-6 a few days a week, and I did some work with the League of Young Voters for the election. I'm so glad it's over! My boyfriend Marc and I are hosting our first grown-up Thanksgiving dinner here in a couple weeks, and he's planning on making a Turducken. That's where you stuff a chicken inside of a duck, and then put that inside of a turkey with layers of stuffing in between... it's pretty amazing. OK I think that's all of the random tidbits I can come up with! I hope you're all doing well.
Take care,

Ali Uscilka

Misty (Hulet) Burnett says:

Hi all!Wow! We all know the old adage, "The only constant is change." Well in my family that really seems to be the only constant these days. First and most important, my first child was born on July 27. His name is Carson Roger Burnett and was 7 lbs 14 oz at birth. Now he is about 20 lbs. It's amazing how fast he has grown and changed. When he was born, I quit my job. I was working as a Head Start teacher in Ogden. Now I stay home with Carson. Being a mom is the most amazing job I have ever had. I never imagined that I could love someone so completely and unconditionally. I truly love being a mom! My husband and I bought our first home in May. We are living in West Point now and I absolutely love it! We are in a wonderful neighborhood, perfect for raising children. Our house is very nice, although it needs a little work here and there. Now for changes that are a little more stressful. My husband got a job doing finance at Sierra RV last January. Due to the market and the management's unrealistic expectations, he was fired in June. He found a job with a start up company in July. They promised that they would be getting funding in within the month so they could pay their employees. However, the funding company they were going through turned out to be a scam and they lost the money they had paid the company and were left with no money to pay their employees. So after waiting three months, we decided that Phil needed to find another job. He is now working for a company called Banker Life and Casualty. He sales Medicare extention packages and insurance to old people. This should be a good job for him. That's about all for us. I am going to attach a couple of pictures of Carson. The first one is his first experience with fall leaves. You can see how much me loved them. The second is a picture I took of him on his 3 month birthday. Sorry it's a little dark.

Misty Hulet Burnett

Krista (Combe) Harrison writes:

Happy Fall Everyone!

Let's see, what has happened since August? I'm sure there have been plenty of events take place in my life. I think that one thing that has stood out to me over the last few months is my involvement in our new ward. Willie and I were called to be ward missionaries. For those who may not know what a ward missionary does or what it is I will give a very brief description. I fellowship everyone and visit with those who may be less-active in the ward, we also help the missionaries in their efforts. This is a calling that Willie and I have had perhaps three of the nearly four years we have been married. We have moved around I think seven times and we keep getting this calling. This is good because it helps me to get out of my little box of being shy. We have really enjoyed the people we have met in our ward and the new neighbors that we are getting. It's nice to have a cop live next to you, you don't have to worry as much about crime.
Some things that we have done over the last few months that are kind of fun are a surprise flight back to Utah for Labor day weekend, seeing the musical 'Wicked', going to a Braves game, visiting an apple orchard in Georgia, and a few other things. My parents used their skymiles to send us back home for Labor Day weekend. We traveled up to my grandparents cabin in Star Valley. We had a great time seeing the family and playing with all the little ones. Parker got a 24 hour flu bug the last day of the trip. I felt so bad seeing my little guy so sick. For you golfing fans out there, Willie and I went to the FedEx cup practice round for the Professional Golfing Association (PGA). I thought it was fun, but you should have seen how giddy Willie got when he saw Phil (Mickelson) practicing. We had a fun halloween trunk-or-treat at our church. We dressed Parker up as a dinosaur, an outfit made by a friend of ours (she's crafty). This friend has even convinced me to make my own stockings this year...aaahhh! We'll see how crafty I can be.
Updates on my family. Parker will be 16 months old on the 30th of this month. He is learning to speak, not very clearly but I understand what he says. He has developed a great love for a certain stick that he gets to walk around with outside. He even knows that he can't bring it in the house. He is learning to treat babies nice for when his little brother comes along. Oh yeah, we found out we are having a little boy. No names picked out yet but we'll decide by the time we leave the hospital. For those of you who knew my plan in high school, I'm on the path to five boys and on girl at the end. Actually in my family we call it the Combe curse, whatever gender you started with is the one you will get stuck with. Willie is enjoying school at Georgia Tech (yellow jackets) still. We are slackers in attending sports games. We keep booking up our weekends and evenings that we haven't made the time for the school pride.
We will be back in Utah over Thanksgiving. Christmas didn't work out because I was going to be too far along in my pregnancy. So our time in Utah will be short this trip. Maybe next summer we can make it back for a little bit longer. If any of you have tips on how to make it through the holidays without your family nearby I would love to hear them. This will be my first Christmas not seeing my parents or siblings. I hope that all of your holidays will be filled with fun and excitement. Alisa congrats on your baby. Nate W. good luck in Ohio. Danelle welcome home (well, back to Utah I mean). Um, I'm sure there are more fun events that have happened to all of you so congratulations or good luck with them. Sorry for the long entry.

See you all. -Krista-

Ryan & Andrea (Smith) Sherry say:

Congratulations Alisa and Corey and everyone else on new additions and engagements! We haven't written for awhile, so just wanted to write a quick note. Ryan and I also had a baby boy on October 24th. The baby's name is Kayden and he weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and 22 inches long. He has been a lot of fun and is very cute. He is now the star in both of our families. As for the rest of our lives, I will be off work for 12 weeks then I will go to part-time working at LDS hospital in a level 2 nursery, so I will be surrounded by babies. Ryan is going to school, majoring in history and eventually going into the Air Force, hopefully as a pilot. He is also working at Maceys as a front-end supervisor. Well good to hear from everyone!
Andrea and Ryan Sherry

Alisa (DeYoung) Crowell writes:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I love this time of year when you want to just be cozy inside--snuggle with a blanket (or a baby:) and read a book (or just sit and stare at your baby for hours). I have been going crazy with baking things (well, before Elsie came)! It seems like that always happens when the weatha' gets a little cooler.

Corey and I are so excited to announce the birth of our sweet Elsie Jayne. She has been a piece of heaven ever since her arrival! Corey's included a play-by-play on our blog, so your welcome to follow our link if you want to read in. There are also plenty of pics there as well, so I won't bombard you with pics here. :)

Corey is currently in the process of finding a job--things are pretty interesting at the moment with the job market. We know everything will work out, but it has been quite competative. He's currently looking at Delta--for those of you who know Corey, know he LOVES to plan flights and try to earn the most miles out of your trip. Delta is located in Atlanta, so who knows Krista--we could be neighbors! We'll keep our fingers crossed. :)

Other than that, I'm just learning how to divide up and organize my time better--those who've had little ones tell me it gets better. I'm loving it so far and want Elsie to stay little, but grow at the same time--it's a wierd thing. :)
Hope you all have a joyous Thanksgiving!

Cheers from Boston,

Alisa (DeYoung) Crowell

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